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Forget the Buck, THE PLANET Stops Here!

ONE Planet. ONE People. Declare INTER-Dependence!


"We, the People and Peoples of this one exquisite

and exquisitely fragile Planet, Declare ..... "



A peoples campaign to build a working alternative to slash and burn consumerism, based in INTERDependence, intelligence, beauty and justice, solidarity,

gender/race balance and care for all living beings

within our one shared environment. 



       1) Preamble.  2)  Declare INTER-Dependence.  3)  Interactive Global Flag.  4) Ode to Mother Earth.


1. Preamble.


We, the people and peoples of our one beloved, exquisitely fragile, Earth are convinced that we can no longer wait for politicians to save life on our battered planet, trapped as they are in terminal short-termism, corporate pandering and obsessive concern with their own personal ‘legacies’. 

Echoes' WINDY DAY movement therefore eagerly seeks to replace the catastrophic current system, consuming whole peoples and the very Earth, with a community of nations based in intelligence and justice, solidarity, gender/race balance and care for the environment.  In this context, Echoes of Silence offers the following to help make WINDY DAY visible, vocal, and clear in its goals:   


2.  Declare Interdependence!


1. Call for the establishment of World Inter-Dependence Day by the United Nations.


2. Get your faith community, school, university, union, city, country, to call for the establishment of World INTER-Dependence Day; and to formally adopt the 'Declaration of Inter-Dependence’ below, using them to lobby for genuine initiatives to combat global warming.


A Peoples Declaration of Inter-Dependence


“We, the People and Peoples of this one exquisite, exquisitely fragile, planet 

hold these truths to be self-evident:


  • That all persons - children, women and men - of every race, calling, creed, colour, condition and age are created equal. There are no exceptions.

  • That they, collectively and individually, are endowed with certain inalienable rights. Among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

  • That the fundamental sources and resources to achieve these rights: Peace without threat, fear, force or weapons, pure air, fresh water, an uncontaminated earth, nourishing food, good health, creative education, a secure home, race/gender balance, equitable justice, local and global responsibility, authentic, proportionate, participative representation and worthwhile work - also belong inalienably to them all, for ever.

  • That this inheritance - these resources truly without price - can never be taken over or away by individuals, classes, corporations and/or states for their own exclusive or majority use, exploitation, profit or control.

  • Rather, that it is the marvellous gift and responsibility of every human generation to enjoy and utilize these resources with respect and delight, in interdependence with all peoples and with the whole multitude of species, both animal and plant, with which we co-inhabit this tiny, fragile, planet.

  • And, within that gift, to hand them on, enhanced, to the children of our children's children.”


Such a Declaration is worthy enough, but without specific demands for action, it remains toothless. So:-


  • To make this Declaration reality we require all our employees - the governments of the world - to re-allocate at least 2% of all budgets currently devoted to the military, war, and the arms trade to bring fresh water to every single person on Earth. 

  • Vitally, 2% not merely of money and materials but, and especially, 1% of the creative lives and expertise of their members.”


With complete global disarmament the ultimate goal, such action will meantime:


  • Avert otherwise inevitable wars over water -- infinitely more precious than oil.

  • Re-green the Earth - so ameliorating climate change and the worst effects of global warming

  • Begin the deliberate building-down of weapons - and the recognition of the essential equality and value of all human beings, especially women, indigenous peoples and all other so-called 'minorities’. This alone will represent a vast psychological break-through for humanity.

  • Improve the overall well-being of Mother Earth and all her people - by liberating unimaginably vast quantities of resources and huge numbers of highly-skilled personnel for urgent medical, ecological, social, community-building economics and other tasks.


And, finally, the wonder of a healed, balanced, cooperative planet will at last provide a truly fitting memorial to all those who sacrificed - and who go on sacrificing - their lives in all the endless wars to ‘end all war’.



3.  Visible: a Universal Flag. 




















Salute 'The Fatherland' and ‘The Motherland’ together. 

Each nation’s particular flag is combined with a base image of Mother Earth to salute on solemn occasions.

Honor IN-dependence within INTER-dependence

so accepting each nation’s own responsibility for Earth,

for one another and for the shared planet on which every nation ultimately depends.


This is a design for such a flag for ALBA members



4.  Vocal: a Universal Anthem.


A example of a One World Anthem to be sung with the national anthem on solemn occasions.


Himno a la Madre Tierra

(melodia: L. v. Beethoven: ‘Himno a la Alegria’)



La Tierra es una, Ella es Gloria

Vida, esperanza, paz, fervor

Cuidando a todas y todos sus hij@s

Sin raza, genero y sin color

Pero ya la Madre está agonizando

Pegada, violada y aún peor

Hoy es el momento, hermanas y hermanos,

Salvemosla ahorita sin temor!

Mares turbulentos, el sol calcinando

Bosques, animales encogidos en pavor

Ahora es el momento juntarse las manos

Cantando, creando, el futuro mejor

Mujeres, niños y hombres, naciones y razas

Mezclando su lagrimas, sangre y sudor

Hoy es el Mañana, O familia querida

Trabajemos YA unid@s en el amor!


Hymn to Mother Earth

(Melody: Beethoven, 'Ode to Joy' and Universal Sister/Brotherhood)


Earth is one - She is our glory

Life and hope, beauty and peace

Caring for each one of her children

No matter race, gender, colo(u)r or creed.

But now our Mother is close to dying

Beaten, violated, ravaged raw

Now is our moment, O sisters and brothers:

Come to her rescue as never before!

Oceans are surging, the sun it is burning

Forests and animals cower in fear

Join hands with us, O sisters and brothers

Singing, creating, the future that's near!

Women, men and children, all races and nations

Weaving our sweat, our tears, our blood

Tomorrow is now, O beloved family,

Act, NOW, together, united in love!

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