Canto a la Madre Tierra
Ode to Earth
Here (mp3 below)'s a couple of rough (very!) ideas for how we might develop this wonderful idea of a great global choir, people all over the world coming together to sing out joy, hope, care for the Earth and universal sister/brotherhood. To support the students striking for Mother Earth,
And to call for specific immediate action to realize that vision.
Ode to Earth
Vision of Schiller and Beethoven of All Peoples
United in Joy and Universal Sister/Brotherhood
Earth is One, Our Mother, Our Glory
Life and hope, beauty and peace
Caring for each one of her children
No matter race, gender, colo(u)r or creed.
But now our Mother is close to dying
Beaten, violated, ravaged raw
Join hands with us now, O My Family
Come to her rescue as never before!
Oceans are surging, the sun it is scalding
Forests and animals cower in fear
Build the Great Dream, O All you Peoples,
Singing, creating, the future that's near!
Every person, all races and nations
Sharing our joy, our tears,, our blood
Tomorrow is now, O beloved family,
Build it, now, together, united in love!
Canto a la Madre Tierra
Según la visión de Schiller y Beethoven
de todos los pueblos unidos en la alegría
y en la hermandad universal
La Tierra es Una, Madre, Gloria
Vida, esperanza, paz, fervor
Cuidando a todas y todos sus hij@s
Sin raza, genero y sin color
Pero ya la Madre está agonizando
Golpeada, violada y aún peor
Hoy es el momento, O mi Gente
Salvémosla ahorita sin temor!
Mares turbulentos, el sol calcinando
Bosques, animales encogidos en pavor
Ahora es el momento juntarse las manos
Cantando, creando, el futuro mejor
Cada persona, naciones y razas
Mezclando su alegría, sangre y sudor
Hoy es el Mañana, O familia querida
Construyámoslo YA unid@s en el amor!