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Live Life to the Full. For Children Everywhere.

For Ourselves. For Earth.

1. Something Beautiful for Earth.  Consumerism destroys our confidence in our own innate creativity as human beings, in simplicity, even in the delight of making our own gifts for loved ones. Take a daily moment to re-assert our humanity - a song, a drawing, a greeting, a thought - even if it’s only actually stopping to smell the roses!


2. Flowerpots to Forests. In the same spirit, look for and promote worthwhile planting projects, local and global, promoting – and practising wherever possible - backyard gardening in its myriad forms, from plant-pots to patios. And, of course, planting and/or renewing forests. There are great projects everywhere. Look for them. Get the good news out. Take part. Encourage participation.


3. EarthBall Education Support MEGA ‘Keep Earth Flying High!’ education project. It works through fun and sports to teach cooperation and community for a healed Earth. It includes the exciting ‘EarthBall Challenge’, where teams strive to keep a planet-painted ball flying high.


   Vitally, the 'Challenge' engages a enormous area of vast potential, the usually overlooked world of sports, and works even in lockdown. Visit:

4. A fun, exciting video cartoon of the ecological exploits of an orphan polar bear cub, a bumblebee & a penguin determined to save the North Pole. 










Children love adventure stories. This environmental adventure series sets out to make caring for Earth exciting and fun, while linking children to concrete actions they can take to help assuage the environmental angst that many are already experiencing.


5. Loving Arms, not Armaments. Require our employees – our elected representatives – to re-dedicate at least 5% of all resources poured into armaments and war: money, materiel, and especially the creative lives of workers, salespeople and military personnel, to re-green Earth and to bring pure water to all. A contractual ‘tour of duty’ planting trees, laying pipes, every few years: transform perspectives, change lives, build global community.

6. All for One for All! Call on the United Nations to declare ‘World INTERdependence Day and Week’. Like the fingers of our hands, we are essentially both individual AND communal. Only by working as one will we ever rid the world of COVID-19, and other probably worse pandemics. We SHALL overcome – but only working together.

    INdependence WITHIN INTERdependence! Again, our hands can only be our most exquisite physical tools because our fingers, in their vital individuality, work in essential harmony.  Help develop and promote a draft ‘Declaration of Global INTERdependence that begins: “We the People – and Peoples – of this one, exquisite, and exquisitely fragile, Earth, hold these truths to be self-evident.” Get the Declaration - or something similar - debated/adopted locally,  nationally, all over the world. 


'Declarations of INdependence' abound, but, for Earth herself, for all children, all living beings, it's time to also declare - AND ACT ON - global INTERdependence.  Ask your local council, political representative, faith community, business, NGO, sports club, to adopt the Declaration. Get prominent people to declare it on TV, radio, social media/in press.  Call on the UN to declare ‘Global INTERdependence Day/Week'. 

A Note about Coffee and other forms of nonviolent direct action. 

Forty years of Fair Trade Coffee.  Great! But imagine the transformation of the coffee workers' lives – and of consumerism itself - if we’d pledged never to drink unjust coffee again from Day 1. Instead, decades later, we’re finally throttling Earth herself with our lives of 'a thousand qualifications.'  Join the ‘Unjust Coffee? Never!’ pledge NOW!  Never too late. Nor times as desperate!!  Other ideas include occupying Donald Trump's golf courses, blocking mega-yachts, picketing politicians' and oil company executives' homes.  And of course cell phones give us immense possibilities, ranging from internet strikes to XTwitter storms.




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